Overtone Singing and Nada Yoga in Amsterdam
May 9th and 10th 2015
These workshops will be held in english by overtone singer and vocal coach Miroslav Grosser
Every Workshop can be booked as a single one or in a bundle, every voice is welcome!
- Saturday, 9th of May 2015: Overtone Singing 11.00h to 18.00h, 100 €
you get the best vocal techniques for beginners to produce harmonics in your own voice
the detailed workshop description you will find here - Sunday, 10th of May 2015: Nada Yoga – the Yoga of Sound 13.00h to 19.00h, 80 €
you will get deep experiences with sound through traditional and modern sound work
the detailed workshop description you will find here - both workshops together cost 150 € only, if you do the registration until end of March, afterwards 165 €
with a free music jam session on saturday after the workshop (please bring your own instrument)
Registration: please send an Email to Miroslav Großer with your full contact details,
I will send you further information.
If you are interested in, it is my pleasure to talk with you about open questions 0049-(0)30-69 50 30 41.
Location for both workshops: Twin Heart Healing Centre in Jacob Geelstraat 38, 1065 VT Amsterdam, Netherland
here you will find the location for these workshops in a Link of BING™ Maps
here you can see and print the Workshop-FLYER for the overtone singing and nada yoga weekend
For FACEBOOK-User: you can visit and share this event on facebook here:
2 Workshops: Boventoonzingen + Stem & Klank Yoga
Thanx a lot to Gosse Beerda for making this event possible, real and easy